Pole Saw vs Pole Pruner: Which one is better for pruning?

Many people are learning how to prune their trees for the first time. Most of the time, people often confuse a pole saw with a pole pruner. Because the purposes of both instruments are almost identical, they are both used to prune trees. 

Trimming and cutting down dry tree branches, limbs, and twigs are activities you’ll need to perform virtually every year if you own a garden or are an arborist.

Several tools are available to do these duties, but a pole saw and a pole pruner are the most popular. We’re here to help clarify any misconceptions. We will compare the differences between a pole saw and a pole pruner. You will learn why you should use each and how they function. We’ll look at each of them independently.

Difference Between Pole Saw and Pole Pruner

The pole pruner and the pole saw are used to cut or trim tall limbs and branches. A pole saw has larger blades that cut deeper into heavier limbs, whereas a pruner is better for weak branches.

Pole SawPole Pruner
Cutting diameter – Bigger Cutting diameter – Smaller  
Chain Guide – Longer Chain Guide – Shorter
Blade Size – Moderate Blade Size – Small
Power Source – Gas, electric, or battery Power Source – Motorized

What is a Pole Saw?

A pole linked to an electric pole saw blade provides enough stretch to remove towering tree branches from the ground. The engine – powerhouse is housed in the pole saw’s lowest part section. Because it is compact and lightweight, this gadget is straightforward to operate and handle. 

pole saw

What is the mechanism of the Pole Saw?

  • The Pole: A long, light rod with an electric-powered pole saw attached to it. We liked how this device’s handle retracts and extends, similar to a telescopic design. Because of the rubber grip, you’ll have more balance and hold when cutting or pruning tree branches and limbs.
  • The Chainsaw Blade: The chainsaw blade is nearly identical to the one found in an electric pole saw. The edge takes on the shape of an oval, and small-shaped saw teeth surround it. This blade’s distinctive shape makes it simple to chop through any timber limbs and branches.
  • The Engine: The powerhouse is at the bottom of every electric-powered pole saw. Pole saws with more extensive and heavier engines are suitable for heavy-duty and demanding operations. Machines of various sizes and forms may find in pole saws driven by electricity. You won’t be shocked to learn that pole saws operated by batteries are significantly more significant due to the massive cell in the powerhouse.
  • The Activator: The activator or trigger attached to the handle makes it easier to operate the blade. This feature allows you to modify the cutting power of the pole saw.

Different Types of Pole Saws :

Pole saws are intended to perform various jobs. Their distinct forms and curves distinguish them. The following pole saws are regularly found –

Gasoline-powered Pole Saw: 

This is mainly used by experts for heavy-duty operations. It has a minimum height of six feet and a maximum height of ten to twelve feet, and it is straightforward to use. The noise produced by this pole saw is one of its drawbacks.

People who use gasoline-powered pole saws use noise-canceling earbuds. They are, nevertheless, ideal for professional usage because they operate for an extended period on a single fuel refill.

Electric-powered Pole Saw: 

This is a solid and adaptable instrument that can assist you in reaching a height of 5 to 10 feet. Because of the bar attached below the blade, you may quickly chop high tree branches from your seated posture. A cordless electric-powered pole saw offers sufficient mobility and flexibility.

They do, however, have short battery life and require regular charging. On the other hand, a corded electric-powered pole saw may constantly operate and enable you to work for hours without interruption

Manual Pole Saw:

A lightweight instrument that is more commonly used than an electric pole saw. It has a straightforward design and is simple to use for trimming trees in your garden. There’s also the bonus of working for hours without worrying about the pole saw running out of power.

However, like with other manual instruments, you will need to complete your task with more effort and time. Furthermore, more expertise and experience are necessary to get the cut precisely right while using a manual pole saw.

What is Pole Pruner?

A pole pruner is used to trim trees with a lot of branches.

What is the mechanism of a pole pruner?

  • Pole: A long, strong pole with a functioning mechanism attached to the face of the pole pruner. The pole has a fixed bar to provide extra balance and stability when working on tree trimming.
  • Material of Construction: Pole pruners are mostly made of fiberglass or a lightweight, hollow material that is simple to move about.
  • Telescoping Design: We like pole pruners because they are either multi-part or telescopic, allowing you to prolong them to your desired height. A pole pruner can reach heights of 18 feet or more, allowing you to prune lofty tree branches.
  • Blades: When you pull on the rope, the pruner’s blades begin to spin and slice the branches. Pole pruners have long, heavy-duty blades with a curved center ideal for tree pruning and trimming.
  • Saw Type: Some pole pruners are equipped with a particular, lengthy zig-zag saw at the front. This serrated saw may use to chop down large branches that the device’s pruning mechanism cannot handle. Pole pruners were primarily intended and developed to prune trees as tall as 18 feet or more without requiring the user to climb the tree or use a ladder.

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